If your application and research proposal (if required) meet our entry requirements then you will be invited to interview.
Typically, the interview is online and takes no longer than 1 hour. Your potential supervisors will be the interview panel and one of the Doctoral Programme Leaders will act as the Chair.
In the first part of the interview, you will be asked to give a 10-minute presentation where you will be asked to present your research ideas to a non-specialist audience, including the key contributions you expect to make to new knowledge, followed by 10-minutes for questions on this.
We use the main part of the interview to discuss your skills, experiences and competencies important to programme you are applying to using questions based on the EDEPI Postgraduate Researcher Competency-Based Admissions Framework. These questions focus on some of the skills, experiences and competencies important for successful postgraduate research study (comprehension and evaluation, socio-emotional and delivering results). You can read more about the EDEPI Framework using this
The Doctoral School aims to inform applicants of the outcome no later than one week after the interview has taken place.